Unlock Your Potential with Empowered Independence Incorporated

Empowering minds toward independence and community integration

Our non-profit services

Empowered Independence’s program services were developed to help clients identify their personal interests and minimize barriers which may hinder a client’s ability to obtain employment, learn about self-advocacy, learn about self-care, and community integration. Our services focus on performance objectives, goal setting, learning material, and life-skill development. We identify the individual client’s natural potential which will enable them to become productive individuals within the community. Our services are intended to provide intense levels of support based on each client’s need.

Supported Employment

EI will assist persons with intellectual and developmental disorders in obtaining and maintaining competitive integrated employment that is related to the individual’s strength and abilities. EI believes in a customer driven approach to supported employment which includes person-centered planning, choice, inclusion, community business supports, assistive technology and control. Individuals who may benefit from supported employment might be able to identify a business and type of work that aligns with their skills, interests, and abilities.  

Employment interview

Competitive Integrated Employment

According to the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA, 2014), Competitive Integrated Employment (CIE) is defined as full-time or part-time employment where all employees receive minimum wage or more. At EI our goals are to advocate for competitive wages and benefits, provide technical assistance, and support employment advancement opportunities for persons with IDD.
The objectives used to ensure our goals are reached include ensuring our participants gain access to high quality services such as vocational training workshops, career development services, employment support, and assessments to measure skills gained. Our program is in full support of CIE because we value seeing clients being integrated into the community.

Paid Internship Program

Our program will assist clients in obtaining traditional paid internships, apprenticeships, and self-employment. Traditional paid internships must be an actual business, provide on-the-job training, education in regular work settings, while working on employment readiness and workplace social skills. An apprenticeship must be an actual business, provide hands-on training, teach lessons, offer compensation, and administer a nationally accredited certificate. Self-employment support is based on the client’s hobby or special interests in which the goals are feasible, product is marketable, and a business plan can be developed.

All internship opportunities are based on the clients’ interests and the client’s ability to acquire the skills needed for the position. All internships will be in line with the client’s employment/career goal which is identified in the clients IPP. Our program will support each client’s right to make an informed decision to change their internship path if their interests change. Overall, the paid internship program is a creative way for participants to discover different careers, build a resume, and develop transferable work skills.

Call Empowered Independence Incorporated today to learn more about our Self-Determination Program Assistance, Supported Employment, Customized Employment, and Paid Internship Program!